Management Theories
Management is the process of coordinating people and other resources to achieve the
goals of an organization. As can be understood from this definition there are different ways for this process to be carried out. Therefore over the century people with different prospectives have explained through various management theories how the goals of an organisation can be met effectively. Which as a result are explained as follows.
One of the first management theory to be brought forward was a theory of scientific management made by Frederick Taylor, this theory was also known as 'Taylorism'. As the name suggests, this theory is a very technical or scientific way of managing an organization. It stresses mainly on improving economic efficiency and labor productivity, according to Taylor both these things could only be achieved by choosing the best way and the best person to do the job. This means that the managers were to choose the best way and the best people for a specific job and hence all other workers not having control over their own jobs had to follow. As a result through this practice wastage could be minimized as all workers in the organization would be working in the most efficient way. This practice suggested by the theory is further supported by the thought made by Taylor that motivation could only be achieved through financial means. Therefore Taylor believed that the performance of the workers could be measured if they work according to his theory.
However Taylors theory had its pros and cons, his theory was and still is considered as one of the most efficient and quantifiable means to get the job done, while on the other hand this theory was and still is thought to be very demotivating for the workers. The reason to this is that with time people realized that only financial rewards were not enough for workers to be motivated, that they needed a good work place to work in and needed a friendly, safe e.t.c environment. The theory did not comprise of job enrichment, job satisfaction or any such motivational technique. Which as a result lead to the formation of other more recent and improved theories, such as Henry Foyls theory of management principles , Henry Fords theory of management or one of the most recent theory supporting this motion Elton Mayo's 'Hawthorne effect'.
Therefore through the centuries it could be said that peoples opinions on how to run an organization changes from Taylorism which was a very centralized and a rather strict management style towards a more i would say relaxed way of management which was the Hawthorne effect. The Howthorne effect stated that social and interactive motivation was the most effective ways of improving productivity rather then financial motivation or through improving physical conditions.The Hawthorne effect also had some drawbacks, however stated a more recent and somewhat effective way of management.Even though Taylorism was accused with not being a sufficient or more appropriately a more demotivating theory, many leading organisations in the world today believe in Taylors theory being much effective and hence operate according to its facts. For example Googles Silicon Valley head quarters, and much of the telecommunication and cyber industry develop an approach similar to that suggested by Taylor as in such an industry perfection and precision is needed, therefore the managers select the way to perform a task and also the expert relating that task is appointed, while all other workers are to follow.
Hence through the debate above it can be seen how and why different management theories have been made through out the century.
Good appraisal of these theories with your views on how useful they are. It would have been a good idea to include a reference to organisation who used the Taylor concept effectively in the modern day. Also if you can refer to some further academic writing on the subject that you have read yourself it would give more depth to your answer as I know you have studied many aspects of business before